Summer Camp 2025
For kids who have completed JK to Grade 2
(born in 2017 to 2020)
Our Summer Camp program offers weekly sessions in July and August, welcoming current RisingOaks' families and other children in the community.
* Summer camp programs will run for 8 weeks. There will be no summer camp program offered the last week of August.
What does a typical day look like?
We have a balance of indoor and outdoor play, special guests, field trips and cooking experiences. Spending as much time as possible outdoors, your child has the opportunity for rich learning experiences and plenty of fresh air and sunshine. Group games, water activities, walks are just a few adventures your children will experience. Inside, kids do creative activities focused on their interests; this includes project work. There is lots of opportunity for socializing.
(Note: Hours may vary by centre)
Summer Camp Overview
Week |
Theme |
Special Guests
Field Trips |
1 Jun 30-Jul 4* (closed July 1) |
Amazing Race | Butterfly Conservatory |
RisingOaks' Amazing Race - Host centres TBD |
2 Jul 7 - 11 |
Creative Campers | Play with Clay | Puppets Elora |
3 Jul 14 - 18 |
Exploring the Elements | Tinker Truck | RBJ Schlegel Park |
4 Jul 21 - 25 |
National Geographic - Animal Planet | Mad Science | TNT Blueberry Farm + Shakespeare Conservation Area |
5 Jul 28 - Aug 1 |
Let's Get Active! | Cardio Drumming | Huron Park |
6 Aug 4 - 8* (closed Aug 4) |
Under the Sea | Mystic Drums | Kiwanis Park |
7 Aug 11 - 15 |
Imagination Station | Little Ray's Reptiles | The Museum |
8 Aug 18 - 22 |
Magical Ending |
Waterloo Park |
Field trips and special guests are subject to change. A final schedule will be provided to participants in June.
How to Register
Pre-registration for current families:
February 14, 2025 at noon
Families will be sent an email 1-2 days prior to this date with a secured link to register.
Note: only families with a child enrolled in a RisingOaks before/after school program, or a sibling of an infant, toddler, or preschool child enrolled at RisingOaks, or a child of a RisingOaks employee are eligible for pre-registration
Registration opens to the public:
March 1, 2025 at noon
The red, Register Now icon will appear once registration opens to the public.
Quick Links
John Sweeney
185 Activa Ave., Kitchener
Oak Creek
80 Tartan Ave., Kitchener
Our Lady of Fatima
55 Hammet St., Cambridge
Saint John Paul II
75 Pebblecreek Dr. Kitchener
St. Brigid
50 Broom St., Ayr
St. Luke
550 Chesapeake Dr., Waterloo
St. Matthew
405 Pastern Trail, Waterloo
St. Nicholas
525 Laurelwood Dr., Waterloo