Digibot Staff Portal
Staff can access Digibot through two distinct tools. The first is the Digibot Staff Portal. This is an HR portal where staff can enter their hours for payroll, obtain their pay stubs and T4s, request vacation days, upload training and other PD certificates.
Once you have been added to Digibot by our HR team, you will receive activation instructions sent to your personal email address, along with an activation key needed to set up your account.
The login for the Staff Portal will also be the one you use for Digibot Go - the app that we use for parent communication.
Digibot Go App
Digibot Go revolutionizes the way you stay connected with families in our program. With a user-friendly interface and a range of features, this app will ensure you have the tools to effectively communicate about children in your classroom.
Features include:
- Attendance check
- Daily checks: food intake, diaper changes, sleep schedule, and learning activities
- Personalized group and individual story uploads
- Menu calendar
- Securely stores household, emergency contacts, medical, vaccination, image release and other forms.
The app is only available on RisingOaks' owned devices that have been authorized by head office.
Coming Soon: Digibot Go Access