Flower Power!

School-age 1

This month, the School-age 1 friends have been very interested in fine motor art. The educators decided to introduce a multi step art activity that started off with us listing the steps that we had to follow. The children got to pick the colours of their stems and leaves, then began creating the core of their flowers. Next, they also got to pick out the colours of the petals that were going to go around the centre of the flower. Once we got the stem glued onto the middle of the flower, we could start adding the petals. Our friends were able to fold the strips of paper in half and glued the bottom of the papers together. They then glued the petals onto the flower until they were all happy with the way their flowers looked. They then placed the leaves that they wanted to put on the stem.

During this activity, the children fostered their communication skills during their play as they were chatting with their friends and educator Nicole during their time at the table. This activity also fostered the children's cognitive skills as we had a conversation about all the different parts of the flowers. They also fostered their fine motor skills as they folded the paper and glued each piece together.

During the activity, the children were talking about all the different flowers that they see during the spring and summer time. We also talked about the different parts of each flower and what they do for the environment.

A child holding up the paper flower petal he has glued together

Children sitting at the table using glue sticks on pieces of paper

A child sitting at the table using a glue stick on a piece of paper

A child holding the flower she made over her head